Hi Fabulous,

you deserve a great night’s sleep!

i think i know you.


You are smart. You are successful. Productivity and happiness used to be your middle names. Everything used to be so easy.

But now, you are too tired to play with the kids, spend quality time with your husband, take care of the household and excel at your job like you used to.

You thought you would sleep again once you settled into the new job or now that the kids are a little older?

Makes sense, but - for some reason - still no quality sleep in sight.

Instead, you hide crying under the pillow from exhaustion at night.

Why can’t i sleep?


You are drained, but you can’t rest. You feel like your ability to sleep has left you. You have lost control over your sleep … and you hate it !

You’ve changed over the last few months - and you don’t like the woman you are seeing in the mirror. Honestly, you wouldn’t even want to take yourself out on a date right now - even if you had the energy.

I understand you because I have been there!


Living in this depleted state isn’t doing yourself or your loved ones any favours!

Instead, it’s stripping you of your energy, your joy, your success. It’s robbing you of being present in the moment and having the energy to engage in great relationships. It’s preventing you from being yourself and having fun! And you know this, don’t you?


I know every Bump and Crack in our bedroom ceiling


I am a 1.5x BURNOUT perfectionist, “Go Go Go” was my motto!

I would rise early, plow through a day at work, spinning classes at night, hit the pillow and wake up before the alarm. Everything felt great!

I ignored all my body’s attempts to get my attention. An ear infection that kept me up crying at night, bloating that made me look seven months pregnant, increasing anxiety, and and and.

I just pushed through.Must have been a bit too much last week and maybe I ate something my body didn’t like. It will sort itself out.”

I had no idea these things were ultimately the reason for the BEGINNING of my SLEEP ISSUES.

I was AWAKE, for hours between 1 am and 4 am with a racing mind and a racing heart. For months on end. And even though I was exhausted, I became afraid of going to bed just to lay awake and get up exhausted again.


In January of 2018, I had hit rock bottom - a complete BREAKDOWN.

Doctors ran their tests on me - results? LOADS. Answers? NOT MANY. Their idea: stay home for a few weeks, rest and maybe see a therapist. I almost LOST it.

I KNEW something else was wrong even if their tests didn’t find anything.

After a long TWO YEARS of different practitioners, more tests, trials and errors I finally found someone who would LISTEN, TAKE ME SERIOUSLY, dig DEEPER and run TESTS that none of my doctors had before.

The RESULT: they found multiple issues that were leading to my insomnia, anxiety and exhaustion: gut issues, mineral imbalances and hormonal changes to name a few.

With guided changes in lifestyle, stress management and supplementation I got my energy and sleep back!


The human body is made to sleep. You need to figure out what is holding it back. 

Master your sleep.

The SleepMasteryMethod™ is my program that will help you stop being exhausted, so you can stop the “I am kind of getting by.”

Instead you’ll have the energy to be present, engaging and your old phenomenal self again.

The SleepMasteryMethod™ is fully backed by science, looks at the body and the mind while focusing on YOUR unique situation. 

You will understand the causes of your sleepless nights and you will get solutions to get your sleep and energy back.

I will be there to hold you accountable and cheer you on!

Because we all can use a little support sometimes, can’t we?


You probably clicked on this page to learn a little more about me:

  • I am a German living in Canada with my husband and son

  • You will hear me say “Just a second” and “Makes sense” a lot

  • I am an aspiring minimalist who loves to organize: Marie Kondo for the win

  • Former vegetarian gone vegan gone meat eater

  • My favourite TV shows: “Friends” and “Workin’ moms”

  • Places I love: the forest, the beach, wellness hotels in lovely cities

Nutraphoria School Sleep Science

Oriana G.

I feel blessed to have crossed path with Annika.
Working with Annika is such a pleasant experience: she makes you feel comfortable, she is so joyful, it’s like a little ray of sunshine in your day. Very easy to talk to, always available, and explains the thought process and science behind her suggestions; but she also means business.
Her program is right to the point, no-nonsense, and it WORKS.